Love The Stuffing Out.

Hello, THREE!

ONE knows that “Mommy has a baby in her tummyand he seems excited about becoming a big brother again. He gently pats my stomach and talks to it.

That kid loves babies.

I admit to having concerns about how on GOD’S GREEN EARTH we are going to handle three children. Our biggest worries are financial ones, though. We make too much money to qualify for any kind of assistance, but not enough money to live without constant concern. We always have just enough for necessities, and our bills are always paid late. We’re always scraping, always juggling … but somehow, we make it. It’s like a monthly miracle, honestly. I certainly can’t take credit for it.

Money is an important part of life, I realize. It protects and cushions, provides for and feeds. But it’s not everything. For Husband and I, it’s not what brings us happiness. There was a time when we thought that it did, but we were wrong. 

Today I am thankful for the things life has thrown at us, because through those experiences we have learned that as long as we have our health and each other, we’re good. We have been blessed with two beautiful children and now we have another one on the way … sometimes when I sit back and let that information sink in, I get overwhelmed because it’s yet another miracle. Three healthy children. That’s amazing.

Life is going to get CRAZY. We do not have a rainy day fund. Our car is too small to hold a family of 5. We have issues to work out. But let me tell you, I have been given three little people to care for and I will love the stuffing out of them with or without a savings account.

Election Day, 2012.

THE STUFFING, I tell you.

4 thoughts on “Love The Stuffing Out.

  1. all works out in the end. And don't go counting out a little girl to turn it all upside down. I was sure #3 would be a girl (having two sweet girls already) and low and behold they found all sorts on the 20 week ultrasound. Yikes. But I wouldn't trade all the hairpulling, pinching, occassional elbow pushing and enormous giggles for all the world (and that's just me and the hubby). Congratulations to your growing family. Love knows no boundaries!


  2. all works out in the end. And don't go counting out a little girl to turn it all upside down. I was sure #3 would be a girl (having two sweet girls already) and low and behold they found all sorts on the 20 week ultrasound. Yikes. But I wouldn't trade all the hairpulling, pinching, occassional elbow pushing and enormous giggles for all the world (and that's just me and the hubby). Congratulations to your growing family. Love knows no boundaries!


  3. Two comments in one week — I'm getting bold here! 🙂 But just once again, I read your post and felt like I could have written it. Love when that happens. Can't wait to see more and more! And it does work out and at the end of the day, who cares if your power bill was two weeks late, right? Keep loving those littles!


  4. Random BUT I think given your fun personality, I think you would be good at selling something like Scentsy. You can build a clientele just through your friends and family and have parties in the evenings etc to make a little extra money.

    Not sure if you are at all interested in that but it's something I've started doing (Selling Scentsy) in preparation for being a stay at home Mom. If you are interested, let me know 🙂

    By the way, love the miracle of how finances work out at the end of the month if you are smart with your choices 🙂


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