I Passed!

I wish I had the time to document all of my small victories, but I don’t, and right now Asher is possibly digging in my bathroom drawers and so I will keep this short. 

I just used a tape measure and pounded two nails into what I believe was a stud in order to hang this, all with a toddler under my feet, literally. I’m not a super handy person and I’m quite terrible at getting anything even, which is why this is a big deal.

Also, trying to do anything in my house while the kids are awake is like some kind of test. My dad came over the other night to hang a 50-pound mirror in our living room and the entire time there were kids running and screaming and saying GRANDPA! GRANDPA! GRANDPA! GRANDPA! while he stood precariously on top of a ladder.

I told him that as long as he thinks of it as a test, like when the CIA or FBI put someone in a dangerous position and then make it 10 times worse by adding a crocodile to the situation. That’s my life — welcome.

Anyway, today I passed a test. And now it’s hanging perfectly on my wall.

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